The Truth about KFC | Teen Ink

The Truth about KFC

May 31, 2013
By Roberto_Caballero BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Roberto_Caballero BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are all aware that Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of the fewest most delicious fast food restaurants out there but we aren't aware that KFC uses factory farming to produce their chicken, Maltodextrin, bleach flower and other things. Would we really be eating this food if we knew about all the chemicals and substances in our food?

KFC uses factory farming to produce their chicken. This means the profits are greatly increased by avoiding health conditions at farms. The chickens have almost no room to run or move around and they are never in the sun. People would think its alright because they're going to die anyways but just think to yourself would you like to be in a small space for weeks or even months waiting for your death or would u rather have it end quick. In my opinion it is animal abuse and they should be more considerate with these chickens because they are the main reason they are making money.

The chicken are fed cheap grain such as newspaper and cardboard, they are also fed antibiotics and growth hormones so they grow up deformed and sick. So all this stuff is what the chickens eat so when you eat the chicken you are also eating cardboard, chemicals and newspaper. Sure it saves them a ton of money but in the end the consumers are the ones eating all this trash and sometimes the outcome isn't so great.

Maltodextrin is a type of sugar that suppresses the immune system of the body and leads to diabetes. Believe it or not, Maltodextrin also causes addiction and is put into KFC foods.

KFC uses highly refined table salt. This means it is entirely lacking of essential minerals and has tons of additives which could possibly lead to heavy metal toxicity, high blood pressure, kidney problems and increase your chances of getting Alzheimer's disease.

This is where you should start to panic. KFC uses partially hydrogenated oil. The oils at KFC contain a very high percentage of omega-6 fatty acids. They are very useful but if you eat so much at a time it causes heart problems and impairs your brain function.

KFC uses Monosodium Glutamate or MSG which is also contained in autolyzed yeast is also known as Adinomoto in Mauritus which is a flavor magnifier. But not only does it magnify flavors, it also kills your brain cells very quickly when consumed.

A very big problem in the food of KFC is their Chicken and Beef fats, now when the animals are properly grown it is actually good and hardly ever harmful depending on the way your body processes it. However, the fat of a chicken or beef is supposed to fight against toxins put un its way so it is trapped within the fat. In normal conditions a chickens fat would have a very low percentage of toxins in its fat which is not enough to harm you but when it is grown in horrible factory conditions like as in the KFC chicken farms there are many toxins thrown out which makes the fat very toxic and highly harmful on consumption.

Bleached Wheat Flour is a huge source of carbohydrates which is why KFC uses it in most of their foods. its consumption can cause rapid insulin spikes in the blood sugar level and cause problems with insulin control. This takes you on a path of potential diabetes and is makes the fat you are processing have you gain weight.

We should gain awareness by advertising it more on tv and large social networks to get more and more people talking about it and having protests then maybe KFC will change their food standards.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Feb. 11 2019 at 2:18 pm
Infection-installingV15, Newaygo, Michigan
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Infection made... Call me at 1-800-TFOX

on Feb. 11 2019 at 2:18 pm
Infection-installingV15, Newaygo, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Infection made... Call me at 1-800-TFOX

rokiee said...
on Aug. 2 2014 at 10:26 pm
OMG I so knew they used bleach  best article ive eva red