Thigh Gap | Teen Ink

Thigh Gap

November 4, 2013
By Holly_cheers GOLD, Hinton, West Virginia
Holly_cheers GOLD, Hinton, West Virginia
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Me Gusta

I have honestly never heard of the health issue regarding thigh gaps. It's sad, and even more depressing. I see many articles and posts on sites and pages about how girls are trying to have a bigger thigh gap than they already have. I was confused at first, but then I looked up pictures online. I was trying to find a reason behind this obsession. Most of the searches sent me to pictures and websites of models. It's no wonder now why girls want a thigh gap! They see these stick-thin runway models looking fabulous in Valentino.

I once had a struggle with my weight. It is crazy, because I am only five feet tall, and weigh finally 100 pounds. I used to get nervous reaching over ninety-five pounds. After a lot of thought and growing up, I was lucky to find that I was wasting my time and my life away, worrying about a problem that made me feel worse about myself. I got away easy, and finally I beat my own mind, and feel so happy to be 106 pounds. I am very active and fit, so I am keeping busy and healthy. I am a cheerleader, and I run track. I keep building muscle,and now I realize that strong is sexy.

I love that I am stronger than I have ever been,mentally and physically.

To the girls dying to have a thigh gap, you don't need one! You are beautiful, and so are your legs! A lot of girls who have a gap look honestly, unhealthy. Staying fit helps you manage your weight, and gives you muscle. Being toned is very sexy! Every guy and girl believes that healthy people are attractive people. Don't try to change who you are, it is not worth your time and your physical and mental state. Just remember that you were born to look the way you do.


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