Smokeless Tobacco | Teen Ink

Smokeless Tobacco

February 27, 2014
By CharChar Cordeiro BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
CharChar Cordeiro BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People who are addicted to tobacco who think it's safer to chew tobacco than smoke it are wrong, researchers say. A study has found that taking one pinch of chew delivers the same amount of harm as smoking five cigarettes. It adds to current evidence that smokeless tobacco contains other things that cause some types of cancer, scientists say. "This study once again clearly shows us that smokeless tobacco is not safe. Our finding places chew on the same list of major sources of exposure to the harmful things as smoking cigarettes," they said at a news release. Experts hope this evidence helps to end the idea that because it doesn't burn, smokeless tobacco is safer. The selling and consumption of smokeless tobacco is on the increase, and some estimates suggest that sales of chewing tobacco in America have doubled. "The feelings of safety among some smokeless users are wrong. A total of 28 harmful chemicals were identified in smokeless tobacco even before our study. Continued exposure to these over a period of time can lead to cancer. Now we have found even more carcinogens in chew." One scientist said. Many people believe that chew is better than smoking, but it is now proven not to be.

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