Ignorant Taste Buds | Teen Ink

Ignorant Taste Buds

May 21, 2014
By Saammie BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
Saammie BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it really necessary to ban junk food? The answer is no, people who eat junk food just have to moderate on how they eat it and above all exercise. Not allowing people to eat junk food is unethical because people should have the right to eat their cravings. Who cares if others think that junk food is unhealthy and that it should be banned, it’s your choice what you eat and you have the right to do whatever you want.

People that believe junk food should be banned are illogical because by banning it, it doesn’t mean that you will automatically be healthy or be in shape. Dr. Virginia Stalling said, “Because foods and beverages available on the school campus also make up a significant proportion of the daily calorie intake, they should contribute to a healthful diet. And school campuses should be an overall healthy eating environment”. You can eat healthy and still be overweight and have any kind of health problems. As said people should have the right to eat whatever they want, even if it is junk food. All one has to do is exercise.

“They’re recommending very strongly that schools no longer sell junk food and sugary drinks, and that none of the foods sold undermine children’s diet and health. And that’s really important these days because of the rising obesity rates”, said Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest advocacy group. Everyone who thinks that junk food should be banned because it causes others to become overweight and get health problems are just stereotyping. They don’t know for sure that junk food will get people overweight or get health problems. Some people get like that because they don’t exercise or they don’t participate in any kind of physical activity. If you’re just going to be eating junk food and just be a couch potato or sitting down watching TV or always being on your phone, well that’s a different story; obviously you will get health problems or become overweight that way. That’s when people should start being concerned and do something about it.

People who have the idea of Junk Food being banned are ridiculous because it’s unfair. It is not fair because you shouldn’t remove something from everyone just because some people can’t seem to handle it. If people are going to forbid junk food you might as well ban alcohol and tobacco because those are unhealthier and cause many more health problems than junk food. At least with junk food you can at least participate in any kind of physical activity and you can stay healthy and with alcohol and tobacco you cant. Banning Junk Food just because some people can’t eat it with moderation, or don’t exercise or at least participate in any kind of physical activity, will cause many people to become angry. Also I doubt that many people are going to follow the rules if they were to ban Junk Food because people will do whatever they want to do. Just like those who always eat Junk Food and just sit down and watch TV or just lie down and eat and get health problems or become overweight, or those who actually exercise and participate in any kind of physical activity and stay fit and healthy.

Based on what I’ve said hopefully you’ll see why Junk Food is not unhealthy. So people need to stop stereotyping and realize the real reasons why people get sick with health problems or become overweight or obese. Just because others can’t control how they eat Junk Food it isn’t necessary to ban it from everyone.

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This article has 1 comment.

mplo said...
on Nov. 15 2014 at 6:04 pm
This is an excellent article with great, good points about why junk foods shouldn't be banned.  Nothng is bad for anybody if and when eaten in moderation.