The Dieting Debate | Teen Ink

The Dieting Debate

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

There is a fad dieting problem that is all over America. Lots of people say it is good and helps with your health. Others say that it is bad for your health and it could affect you terribly. So the real question is, is fad dieting really worth it?  It really is how you look at it. The good that comes out of fad dieting is that it makes you lose the weight fast, but you don't want to lose it too fast. We should avoid fad diets because when you get off the diet you gain the weight back with a few additional pounds. When you get on the diet and then get off you can have muscle loss. The diets are sometimes created by people who are not even healthy themselves. Fad diets are not successful for several reasons.

One reason is because once the diet is over, you gain the weight back. In the article, “The Pros And Cons Of Fad Diets”,  on the website,, which Is a very popular and well known web site, says,  “Most of the weight you will lose is just water weight. Once you stop the diet and resume your normal lifestyle, chances are that you will gain the weight back with a few additional pounds.” So basically it is saying either you stay on the diet and lose the weight until you die or it is just not worth it to go on because you will gain the weight back one way or another.
Another reason fad diets are bad is because it brings muscle loss. It says in the article on the website, “Muscle Loss is

Another negative effect of fad diet, since your diet is very low on calories your body will look for other ways to get energy. One of these ways is by digesting your muscles. This is actually detrimental to weight loss because muscle help you burn more calories even when you are at rest.” Which means that you will not lose fat you will lose muscle. The muscle you lose may make it seem that you're losing a lot of weight but almost everything you are losing is muscle. 

A third reason that you should not go on fad diets is because a diet was made by a guy that had a past of heart attacks and got really sick. The web page is They did quote by quote and they did it word by word. The Atkins Diet was developed by Robert C. Atkins,MD in 1997. A report from the Wall Street Journal concluded, “That Dr.Atkins, 72, had a history of heart attacks and congestive heart failure and notes that he weighed 258 pounds at death.”  All that I am saying is why should we risk it and go on stuff that didn't even work for the person that made it? Why should we go on it if the guy who made was sick himself?

So when we gain weight why do we try the easiest way out by taking fad diets?  But what we all were told as kid by our mom or dad the easiest way out isn't alway the best way out. Also the diet pills say take the substance and with a healthy diet and a little bit of exercise you will lose the weight. But the real truth is any thing with a proper diet and exercise you will lose the weight. Also most people that go on the fad diets are people would think that the number is big but the percentage of fat is low. Muscle weighs more than fat so if you have a number that you think is high it could be that you are just very strong.

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This article has 1 comment.

Flowerlady said...
on Feb. 26 2015 at 7:30 pm
I agree with what you say. As a fitness teacher for many years I taught that it is all about portion control and eating foods high in fiber and low in calories such as vegetables and legumes. You can exercise 8 hours a day, but it doesn't take much to eat those calories back on. Portion control. Good article, A nonymous.