The Word Health | Teen Ink

The Word Health

May 30, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

     When I think of “health”, many thoughts come to my mind. The first thing that pops into my head is physical health. Physical health refers to the condition of a person’s body from the inside as well as their appearance from the outside. To have good physical health, you can eat right, be active and get lots of sleep. Be sure you control your eating habits. Try to have a variety of foods. For example, too much or too little of sugar in your blood can be bad and cause problems. Also, maintain weight and keep soft flawless skin. Your inside organs should work properly, too. Physical health isn’t the only thing you should worry about though. Mental and emotional health is also important. Mental and Emotional health is the condition of mind and how you express your feelings. Whenever in a bad situation, stay positive and don’t freak out, kick, or scream. Keeping positive is a good example of Mental and Emotional health. If someone does something you may not like, don’t be mad and think wrongly of them. Keep a good state of mind. Try to be mentally healthy and express your feelings the right way. Remember to manage your stress as well! I don’t usually think about Family and Social health when I think of the word “health”, but you must also have it to achieve wellness. The third part of health is Family and social. This means the condition of a person’s relationship with others. Most people don’t really think about it, but the people you are around affects you. Those people that you are around influence you. You will become more like them. There is an old saying, “Don’t be like water that takes the color of food dye, but like but be like oil that separates from it”. This doesn’t mean to not be social. Be social but just ask yourself, “Am I keeping good company, or am I with the wrong people?” If you are with the wrong people, it’s alright to end your relationship immediately. Stress leads to high cholesterol, which is not good at all. Also, keep in mind you should respect family. Always have a good relationship with all family members. Just like good soil that holds and doesn’t fall apart for growing plants, have a good family that bonds and doesn’t fall apart like bad, rocky soil that the plant would die in. Overall, the state of balanced health is wellness, which everyone should strive to achieve. Physical, mental and emotional, and family and social are the three types of health. Those are a few thoughts that come to mind when I think of “health”.

The author's comments:

In class, we had to make a health journal. This is one of my entries. 

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on Jun. 25 2015 at 8:15 pm
Khushi, this is great! I would love to read about any personal experiences you've had with gaining any of those "Healths." I also think the idea of social health is important, your line about asking ourselves, are we keeping good company is such an important message and thought to always have, no matter what someone's age is. Reminds me of the saying, " Show me a man's friends and I'll tell you the kind of person he is."