My Disability | Teen Ink

My Disability

October 2, 2018
By KimTTran16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KimTTran16 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with "My Disability" by Izzy P. because I can feel the pain that she goes through.

Everybody has their everyday stuggles in life, and the main thing that everyone does on a consistent basis is prejudge. No matter how the person may look; the first immediate reaction for people to do is judge others due to their certain appearance. She is very straightforward with her message to the world when she asserts, "You don't know her their life; don't pretend you do," meaning that the judgements need to stop because it is irrelevant to the person who is struggling. From personal experience, I have several family members who have passed away during the schooltime. It is hard to maintain a positive attitude all the time before all the tragic news that I recieved. I am thanful for the publishment of this issue by Teen Ink.

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