Dorms in College... and Beyond | Teen Ink

Dorms in College... and Beyond

November 26, 2018
By hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
hdales25 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Dorms in College… and Beyond,” written by Nicholas W., talks about affordable housing of dorms for college students. His writing left me feeling satisfied, comfortable, and eager for the future to come because the efficiencies towards the dorm-living styles. This passage was very satisfying to be able to know the modest percentages and the benefits towards college dorms. “For about $2,000/mouth, Starcity residents get a furnished bedroom, a shared bathroom, and right to common areas such as a living room, a kitchen, and outdoor spaces,” said Nicholas. One day, I will be planning to go to college to pursue my passion, and with the knowledge provided by Nicholas made my anxiety of leaving home dissolve into purifying relaxation. Also, it was safe to say someone took the effort to revolutionize the broken-down buildings to modern-day faultities. Nicholas claims, “To help with the affordable housing issue, a new company in San Francisco, Starcity, is renovating old buildings and turning them into modern dorms.”

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