Thoughts on Society and a Response to School Uniforms | Teen Ink

Thoughts on Society and a Response to School Uniforms

February 26, 2019
By rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “School Uniforms”, Anonymous states that “Clothes give us expression and the ability to use color and patterns. The first impression we get of people is usually clothes, facial expression and language. If we all wear the same thing we don't get to really see what people are like on the inside.” and I strongly agree with him/her. I believe that us being able to wear own own clothes we will get to express ourselves better and show people who we really are an what our interests are. The writer also says that “putting school uniforms into order would probably make us rebel against it and we would only be able to express our creativity in things like art and music” and I agree with that as well. I think that it would cause a lot of problems and would upset many people if we were to use school uniforms, because It would cost more money and would add stress to our lives and our parents lives when it comes to worrying about whether or not they are clean and not wrinkly and ready to go for the long school day.

Seeing Clearly

After I read the article “Seeing Clearly”, written by riley1516, I felt relatable and strongly moved. In one paragraph of the article, she says “ Catching the eye of a girl in my grade sitting at a nearby table, I waved politely. She smiled weakly and then continued to pick at the pasta in front of her. If I hadn't heard recently that her mother was dying of leukemia, I would never have suspected anything was wrong. I may not have been as understanding and compassionate either, had I not known. But isn't that how it usually works? Don't we judge others too quickly, not knowing the whole story?”, and that hit me hard. We as people most of the time do not see what is truly going on in someone's life. We do not see the troubles and pain that they are hiding underneath a fake smile. We do not see the problems that they are facing at home, with friends, in a relationship, or even the inner conflict inside of someone's head, a battle against themselves.

The article goes on again to touch on the subject, saying “I realized that everyone has a story, and everyone may have something tough they are facing in their lives. I suddenly understood that I was so caught up in my own life, I was forgetting to look out for others.”, and I could really relate to that. We as a society are so focused on ourselves and our own needs, most of the time we really aren’t there for other people, and our friends. It’s all ‘me me me’ and everybody is so greedy and selfish. It is human nature. It is at the point where we realize that we have been wrong, and learn from our ignorant mistakes that we move forward as a society, and individually as our own person. That is when this world will slowly start to become a better, safer place again, for all of us.

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