The Note That Holds A Thousand Feelings | Teen Ink

The Note That Holds A Thousand Feelings

March 5, 2019
By kokuley BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kokuley BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing, “The Note That Holds A Thousand Feelings” written by anonymous talks about her tragic experiences after her own father had left her. This article left me feeling very stunned. Its very shocking to me that there are people in this world that actually choose drugs over their own children as anonymous writes, “I know you love me too, but your addiction to drugs will always mean more to you than your kids ever will.” I feel like dads are supposed to be protective and not let any guy break “their little girl’s heart”. Anonymous writes, “You bring me sadness because you broke my heart before any boy could, and it affects me to this day,” but clearly not every dad thinks this way. I think that parents should never let drugs effect a child and parents’ relationship.

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