No Means No | Teen Ink

No Means No

August 27, 2019
By AnthonyD BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
AnthonyD BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I would first off like to start off by saying how well written this piece was done by Cj Albrecht. I strongly agree with Cj and his opinion on why rape and sexual assault is never justified. “One of the most used excuses for rape is, “well, look what she/he was wearing!” This really not only bothered me but really pissed me off that people really try and justify such an indecent act and put the blame on others due to what type of clothing they had on. I feel as if this statement basically is telling women and men that if they don’t want to be sexually harassed they need to wear something that doesn’t draw the attention of others and or gives the wrong idea to others and I find that not only disturbing but very disrespectful to everyone. Another example is when people get drunk at a party and later get taken advantage of which is horrible that people have to even worry about something like that while trying to have a good time. In conclusion, Cj Albrecht had a great well written article and is correct that when someone says No it means No.

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