review | Teen Ink


September 18, 2019
By mknueven44 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
mknueven44 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Guardian Angel,” written by Molly Park, talks about how she and her friend are blessed to be alive. Her writing left me feeling grateful and happy.
In my own town teens are getting in car accidents almost every day. Some teens are lucky to survive, and only have minor injuries, but others are not as lucky. Molly Park talked about her experience when she got into a car accident, According to the article, “My tires were lost in it and desperate to escape.” It showed how uncontrolled she of her car, and how scared she was. According to the article she said, “My life is over. My dad is going to kill me.” I can relate to that because when I do something bad or not good, I feel like my parents are going to be really mad at me. This made me happy at the end because she thought about how lucky she was to only have minor injuries, and that her and her friends were still alive. When her parents arrived they were cleaning out the car and found a guardian angel car freshener that her mom gave her. When her mom gave it to her 3 years ago she hated it and wanted to throw it away. At first she thought that the guardian angel didn’t protect her. Then later on she realized that it was a blessing in disguise.

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