the missing ninth | Teen Ink

the missing ninth

October 24, 2019
By brian.gibbs5 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
brian.gibbs5 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You DON'T get what you WISH FOR, you get what you WORK FOR.

I found Sara Jarecke’s article “the Missing Ninth” extremely moving. What Sara talks about in the article is people being on their phone more than half of the day of their life. When people get their phones they forget about the world around them. When we get into high school “we spend one-ninth of our lives on our phones”. Either text or calling friends on the phone or playing games on the phone like “candy crush” or “call of duty mobile”. We have excuses on why we don’t do our responsibilities but 95% of the time it[the phones] is in our hands or our pockets listening to music being occupied. Phones cause distractions like texting and during which could cause accidents. The real question is “how do you go about your life with a screen in your face?”.

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