Feedback On the Review of Legally Blonde | Teen Ink

Feedback On the Review of Legally Blonde

October 28, 2019
By breelovell BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
breelovell BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that Cindy Zhang’s review of “Legally Blonde” covers all of the aspects that a movie review is supposed to have. “Legally Blonde,” released in 2001, is a movie that takes viewers into the life and fashion icon Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon). After being dumped by her boyfriend instead of being proposed to by him because of her lack of intelligence, Elle sets on an adventure to get him back by following him to Harvard Law School. She passes with a 179 on her LSAT, and goes to experience a not so easy time at Harvard. I believe the review gives a positive insight on the movie without giving away too much about it.

I personally relate to the piece because of the personal liking I have taken to “Legally Blonde” after seeing it so many times. I agree with Zhang’s stance on the movie because like her, I believe that “Legally Blonde” does still remain “an iconic film. Zhang touches upon all of the positive aspects of the film, such as its “charming characters.” Zhang also makes it evident how much of a liking she takes to “the story of a young woman gaining confidence and independence.” Cindy Zhang is able to convey how great the movie can influence viewers and why viewers like her and myself would love the movie.

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