Feedback On ¨A Piece of Cake¨ | Teen Ink

Feedback On ¨A Piece of Cake¨

October 31, 2019
By Cat BRONZE, New York City, New York
Cat BRONZE, New York City, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The piece I am giving feedback on is ¨A Piece of Cake¨ by Andrew Mcllvaine. The story is in a first person perspective, and it is about how the character visits a dessert parlor and orders a coconut cake, only to find that the cake tastes terrible. The character then leaves the shop in a hurry on their bike. The story is interesting, and descriptive too. It feels like an enlonged version of a short period of time, slowing the events descriptively.

It gives a sense of being there yourself. At the end, the text states ¨I know her dog wasn barking, because I could hear my blood pounding in my ears, or maybe I just couldn´t hear the bark.¨ This is showing how the character feels after the cake while fleeing the shop, and being caught having dumped it onto the floor. The story described the shop well too in this quote: ¨It had one of those cheesy bell contraptions that banged against the glass pane when someone entered... The room smelled like lemon Lysol.¨ Overall, the story felt like a well written piece.

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