Sweet Dreams | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams

October 7, 2009
By Hayley Maciel BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
Hayley Maciel BRONZE, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Molly Palavin, your writing really touched me. Molly your writing piece is amazing! I think your story about losing your mother and growing up with out her is touching and sweet. Your details gave me the most perfect images in my head. Like when you said “I didn't scream I didn't cry. I only stared in shock at myself in the mirror and thought, you have no mother. A feeling of of anguish rushed through my blood.” In my mind I see a shell shocked little girl in her pajamas staring at herself in the mirror. This writing piece says to me whatever happens good or bad life goes on and you have to live it to the fullest. Molly your writing was totally amazing and I enjoyed reading it.

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i love this article

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