A Homeless Solider | Teen Ink

A Homeless Solider

January 20, 2011
By UKnowAbdullah BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
UKnowAbdullah BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Without David Ruffin Yall Aint Nuthin

I found “Alice’s” article “A Homeless Solider” extremely moving. This article accurately explains the true horrors of war, not necessarily what happens during the war but its aftermath. I found it pitiful that a solider who gave his life for the well being of this country and its citizens was roaming the streets without a possession to his name. This article really opens my eyes and pushes me to make a difference. It one thing to support our troops verbally, but the ones who support them morally are the real heroes. Thank you, “Alice” for writing this mind boggling article. Maybe your experience will open the eyes and hearts of the American public.

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