Over There | Teen Ink

Over There MAG

February 1, 2011
By Sophia Miller BRONZE, Redding, California
Sophia Miller BRONZE, Redding, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to thank you for Teen Ink magazine and website. I really like your idea of publishing writing and art by teenagers. Many people have stories they would like to share with others, and they can send them to your magazine and see others’ feedback. The stories also help inspire other writers to display their imagination through words.

One of my favorite stories is “Over There” by Robert Kingett. Through this nonfiction article I felt that I was watching him go through his daily life not knowing where “over there” was.

As a little girl, I always wondered how blind people got around. After reading this piece, it is much easier to understand. The end was clever and brought a smile to my face when he found that “over there” was “that way.”

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