A True Test of Courage | Teen Ink

A True Test of Courage

March 23, 2012
By BigZ65 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
BigZ65 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summary: A boy named Zach Campbell is fighting in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), when he gets thrown down for “the millionth time” he tells himself that he should just “lie in the corner in the fetal position.” He finally tells himself that he is better than that, so he keeps fighting. He said in the selection “…the real test is whether you go back when you know you won’t win. That’s the true test of courage.”

I agree with his story in many ways. I believe that if you try out for something and it difficult, but your good at it, keep going at it, you will improve your skills. I can relate to Zach, back in seventh grade I was in football for the first time. It was hard, but I kept going at it and I eventually got better. I do understand where Zach is coming from. I do see the same dilemma in Ayersville. I know many of students that are quitting because it is too hard, and their good at that sport. It is a sad thing to see because they could have been someone great.

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