Technology Dependence | Teen Ink

Technology Dependence

December 11, 2012
By RicardoR. SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
RicardoR. SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Madeline R. in her article "Technology Dependence". I have noticed as technology advances more people become consumed by it and don't live life. "The average teenagers sends and receives 3,339 texts per month that's more than six per hour while they're awake according to a Nielson survey". This is an insane statistic teenagers spend so much time texting when there are so many things in the world to discover. People have gotten used to having to check their phone and page that they forget about more important things. The use of social networking and the internet have damaged important skills like communicating with people face to face. Thank you Madeline for bringing attention to this problem maybe now more people will consider changing their ways.

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