XOXO EXO | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By Frances Miranda BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Frances Miranda BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kathleen really seems to have done her research on EXO. I am, personally, a K-Pop fan and I agree with some of the points she made. It was, in fact, "worth the year-long wait" us K-Pop fans had to endure. A lot of the fans, however, were looking forward to the songs that were featured on the teasers. It was very awkward in Wolf when they say, "Ah! Saranghaeyo!", but other than that it was a pretty awesome song. I loved the dubstep and hip-hop groove it had. Honestly, I prefer Growl over Wolf, but both are really mesmerizing. Thank you Kathleen for reviewing K-Pop, specifically, EXO.

The author's comments:
I got inspired to write about this because I am very passionate about K-Pop music and seeing something related to it on Teen ink is very exciting!

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