Response to Teenage Love? | Teen Ink

Response to Teenage Love?

March 3, 2014
By Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Steven Brown SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

“Teenage Love?” is about whether love is possible in high school. Do people really love each other or just like each other until they are adults. Many people believe that it’s not possible and others do.

I agree with the article. I think teenage love is possible. People do get married after being together while in high school so obviously its possible. People who think it isn’t just had a relationship that didn’t work out or didn’t date during high school. I feel that true love is caring immensely about someone and wanting to be happy with them. People tend to find other ways to describe it, but it’s something very simple. I can relate because I have been in a few relationships and cared for those people a lot and they made me happy, so I say that love was present when I was in these relationships. I don’t think that high school kids who say they love each other should just go get married as soon as they graduate, no they should wait and let that love grow. It doesn’t surprise me that people don’t believe in it. The issue has been around for years and very few people don’t get married to their high school sweetheart, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t love the person while they were together. I don’t see this issue at my school. People are with the one they care about and normally are together for a long time, so I would say that love is present.

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