The Homework Revolution | Teen Ink

The Homework Revolution

February 2, 2015
By Anonymous

This article is about how school assign to much homework at schools. This article states that you should be given at most the year of your grade. Like if you are in seventh grade, you should have 70 minutes. But most schools, according to this article go over that amount of time.

I was surprised by this article because I didn’t know schools should assign homework like that. I cannot relate because I know that since I am in eleventh grade, I know I don’t get 110 minutes of homework at night. Maybe sixty minutes, but not almost two hours. I understand though, I know some of the younger levels get tons of homework because I used to help grade papers for the fourth graders and they got a lot more homework than fourty minutes. I do see the same dilemma at Ayersville just because I know the younger kids get a lot of homework.

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