Our new technology | Teen Ink

Our new technology

February 18, 2015
By e.l.1011 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
e.l.1011 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Technology has grown over the years in different ways. Printed books are soon
to be extinct as a result of the new ebooks. Isabel and Brandon both use similar and different facts in their argumentative essays.
In Isabel’s essay she provides reasons as to why she is against the new ebooks. In Isabel’s third paragraph, she introduces how this new technology is fragile. Isabel states “dropping your device can mean the end of it.” And later on is followed by, “If you drop a book you can pick it up and start reading again.” This shows how she is for books rather than ebooks.
On the other hand, Brandon is for the newest technology. One of his strongest unique arguments is how ebooks help the environment. In paragraph three Brandon states, “Think of all the forests that can be saved with ebooks”. this informs the reader that Brandon is for ebooks by supporting them in positive ways.
Although Brandon and Isabel do not agree with this topic they do support their own with different reasons and the same examples. For example, in Brandon’s fourth paragraph he states “Students backpacks would be a lot lighter if they wouldn't have to carry around textbooks.” And in Isabel’s essay she provides and example of how someone is telling her how he feels about ebooks. In paragraph five of her essay it says he stated “It’s a lot lighter than carrying books.” She purposely puts this in here to follow it by saying “it’s not that much heavier unless you carry an encyclopedia.” Overall,
Brandon and Isabel both support their facts that an ebook is portable for their own arguments.
Ebooks contain the right technology to help society along with the environment. Isabel supports her argument with facts against ebooks while on the other hand, Brandon argues for ebooks. Therefor, it’s up to you. Do you want ebooks? After reading these articles, you don't have to choose.

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