What's Behind Police Brutality | Teen Ink

What's Behind Police Brutality

October 27, 2015
By Anonymous

In the writing titled What’s Behind Police Brutality written by Bhargavi G., I felt that Police Brutality should be brought to more peoples attention. I cannot relate to this article but I do know multiple people who have had bad experiences with police brutality. I agree with what Chargavi has to say. Bhargavi states “ In order to solve this critical problem, all members of the police force should be required to take yearly psychological examinations to determine whether they are mentally fit to carry weapons”. If each and every officer took the examinations I feel that society will become more rational with the situation. It was stated that officer Loehmann had worked for another police force and had a report that  “leads one to believe that he would not be able to substantially cope, or make good decisions, during or resulting from any other stressful situation”. If Loehmann was not stable enough for duty why was he given the job for another police department and a weapon? If given psychological examinations the police department would have seen why he shouldn’t of been fit for duty and a child’s life would have been spared.

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