Feedback on How to be the Oldest | Teen Ink

Feedback on How to be the Oldest

December 9, 2015
By greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
greninjash GOLD, New York City, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I speak for all younger siblings when I say this: this article was mindblowing. "How to Be the Oldest" by Brevann gives us an idea of what it's like to be the firstborn in a family. Apparantly, they think we have stolen from them, that we hogged all the attention that was supposed to be theirs. They think life was better before we barged into their world, when they had unlimited love and affection rather than a mere half. 


Let's be honest, I don't think anybody with an older brother or sister expected this truth. I never woud've expected my own older sister to envy me. I want all you older siblings out there to know that it's not our fault. We didn't decide to be born after you. And we certainly didn't decide to take away what you had all your life up to this point. However, being the eldest only makes you tougher. With nobody always scrambling to help you in every way, you grow independent. You learn to hold on your own, while your siblings grow too reliant. And all of you older siblings out there must always remember this: we look up to you. More than anything, I envy my sister for being so independent, able to do everything on her own. I'm sure all of us do too. You set an example of what to be in the future, and are a source of help and advice. No matter how annoying we may become, you will always be our shining idol. 

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