Your Little Sister | Teen Ink

Your Little Sister

December 4, 2015
By Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Kimberely Yang when she wrote "Your Little Sister" because I know what it feels like to live in the shadows of an older sibling. When Kimberely said, "I love you, but in a place with no you, im glad to have the chance to define me." in her article, I know the feeling of having that chance. When you live in the shadows of someone for so long, it's hard to see what you may think the future has for you and what you wish to accomplish someday. I agree with Kimberely when she says in her article, "I want to go back to our childhood." because it's true, when you have older siblings and you used to spend all your time with them, just to have them ignore you later when they get older or they never notice you trying to do something for them, it does hurt. So I give a big thanks to Kimberely for telling people and explaining a little bit of how it feel to have older siblings and hopefully informs others that are older to realize who's behind them.

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