The Truth About Eating Disorders | Teen Ink

The Truth About Eating Disorders

January 27, 2016
By CindyTaracena BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
CindyTaracena BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Lisa, when she wrote about eating disorders. The way she expressed the story of when she went to the hospital, where they "treat" people like her I found Lisa's story very moving because she also talks about how she valued her life onced she noticed that what she was doing could end her life at any moment. She knew she would have to learn how to love herself. It made her think that she onced believed that being perfect was more important than her own health. She just wished that someone was there for her. It is important ti have someone there for you and is there to support you through hard times. In order for you to get better. Thank you, Lisa for this amazing story it tauhght me a lot.

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