Grandmother Trudy Knight Balmer | Teen Ink

Grandmother Trudy Knight Balmer

March 11, 2009
By Ramzee SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
Ramzee SILVER, Dell Rapids, South Dakota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm probably in the sky, flying with the fishes,
Or maybe in the ocean, swimming with the pigeons,
See my world is different.
-Lil Wayne

I really like this passage because it tells about a memory that this person will never forget. I always think it's amazing when a doctor gives you a certain amount of time to live and someone lives way past it. Also, I thought it was so cool that the last thing they said to each other was I love you. It would be really hard for me to have that be the last thing I said to someone who I really care about.

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