Great Messages | Teen Ink

Great Messages

September 19, 2016
By LeslyeLopez BRONZE, Phoenix , Arizona
LeslyeLopez BRONZE, Phoenix , Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" - Benjamin Franklin

I wholehearedly agree with Katelynn Mcllwain in her article "Zootopia". She compared the movie and it's themes to current situations in our world. She spoke of "breaking stereotypes:" and "[you being what you] want to be" (Mcllwain 9). This is currently a huge issue with election month coming up. How a political figure labels and stereotypes a certain group of individuals. I completely agree with Mcllwain on how untill we learn to not stereotype and accept people it will be a much more peaceful world for future generations. 

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