A Millisecond of Peace | Teen Ink

A Millisecond of Peace

November 7, 2016
By KaydenHering BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
KaydenHering BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This world we live in is crazy. A millisecond of peace is a great example of that. It's hard to even get that because there wars and bad things going on across the world but as she says in the passage “sometimes you just have to stop and not think about what's coming” and that's true because you're never going to even get a millisecond of peace if you don't stop thinking about what's going on in the world around you, because there are so many wars and terrorist around us. So somtime you just need to take a break for a millisecond and just have peace within yourself. Most people live crazy life and can't get a millisecond of peace because of work, kids and everything going on around you. I think that the millisecond of peace explains this perfectly.

The author's comments:

My name is Kayden and I live in Alvord, Texas I think that "Millisecond of Peace" is a great article about life in general.

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