Feedback: "The Walls Around Me" | Teen Ink

Feedback: "The Walls Around Me"

February 1, 2017
By Anonymous

I found, that the article, “The Walls Around Me,” by, “Allie” interesting. I read that she was hiding her whole life and didn’t want to let anyone in, but at one point she started taking down the walls and let herself free of all the fear she has and all the no’s. Then she said to herself, “Life’s so much easier if you let yourself be okay.” I agree with this because if you let yourself know that, you will not turn to self harm or anything else. Also, she saw that there were really no walls and she was just hiding her feelings.  She just had to say it was okay and people would like her for her. This article reminded me of my best friend.  My friend thought she felt the walls were getting closing in on her everyday.  She turned to self harm, then all of sudden she said, that's it I am done.  She walked down stairs and told her parents she was bi-sexal and now she is dating someone and happy. This memoir was very inspiring because now if she ever goes back to that stage in her life, I can help her.  I hope you are still breaking down those walls and letting people into your life.  Everyone should talk about their problems.   


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