Why "13 Reasons Why" fails | Teen Ink

Why "13 Reasons Why" fails

September 13, 2017
By yessie BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
yessie BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The article "Why 13 reasons fails" by Ellis Donaghey, immediately caught attention to my eyes. Ellis pointed out good points in her article. One good point she said was in the show it "romanticizes and dramatizes suicide to attract an audience". I highly agree because mental illness isn't something for revenge or to watch for entertainment. It's a serious issue. Another point Ellis pointed out was all the characters seem to be "unsupportive and uncaring." Showing that help from your friends and family is hopeless and you should end your life. Thank you Ellis for not making me waste my time on a show that sensationlizes a serious issue.

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