Feedback on "The Mini Cupcake Crisis" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "The Mini Cupcake Crisis"

December 17, 2017
By Anonymous

     "The Mini Cupcake Crisis," by Alexandra, is a  true story about the struggles of anorexia. In a world where the media is constantly slandering anorexia for unrealistic beauty standards, Alexandra is able to give an insight on the true horrors of having such disorders.

     Though I haven't ever struggled with anorexia, I can't stand hypocritcal social justice warriors who blame people who are anorexic for being a bad influenece. I say hypocritical because some of these SJWs are overweight and believe that you can be healthy at any size, which is both untrue contridicting. The author says that people just assume that "We're the skinny girls who choose not to eat." What people don't relize is that this disorder physically disables a person from wanting to eat. It is just as serious and should be taken with as much conern as over eating. 

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