LGBT and the Rights They Deserve | Teen Ink

LGBT and the Rights They Deserve

May 1, 2016
By FacepalmGumball GOLD, Houston, Texas
FacepalmGumball GOLD, Houston, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. And I think if everybody focused on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy.
Ellen DeGeneres

According to a survey I conducted, research shows that out of 103 students, 95 students believe that love is a strong force (92.2%/7.8%). If that’s the case, then why is the LGBT community continuously discriminated against? In many ways, you realize that your sexuality actually affects you in many ways. In some ways, being LGBT, otherwise known as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender,  can lead to prejudice and discrimination, even with laws protecting the LGBT community. Because of recent laws being passed and by the pleas of activists, the LGBT community should be seen and treated as equals in the United States.

The idea of homosexuality, or having an attraction to the same gender, existed during the B.C. (Before Christ) era as there were some notes in different mythologies recognizing the idea. And the idea still exists today, more particularly in the United States.

Even though the idea of LGBT is popular in the United States, the LGBT community is still discriminated against and face prejudice, even with such laws that guarantee protection like the Same-Sex Marriage Legalization Law after the Obergefell V. Hodges case, or the Anti-Sodomy Law which outlawed Same-Sex Intercourse as a crime, after the Lawrence V. Texas case.

Now the reason why those in the LGBT community are hated is due to the handful of controversies that surround the topic. The problem is that all of these controversies are just myths, and there is actual research as to why they are misconceptions and what’s the truth behind it. An example of these myths like, LGBT is unnatural, is false because homosexuality has been noted in past eras, even the era of Before Christ, so it can’t be unnatural if it existed for a very long time.

The two biggest controversies in the LGBT topic, religion and disorders. In a survey that I hosted, out of 103 students, 74 students believed that being LGBT is not a sin (71.8%/28.2%). Now in the Bible, there are many open interpretations to read texts and quotes. And can confirm there are multitudes of anti-LGBT supporters who use the religious propaganda, bringing up biblical reference here and there, saying the Bible condemns homosexuality so it’s a sin. But here are two facts about this matter. 1.) They’re using the quotes wrong. And 2.) Catholics are more likely to be allies than any other in the Christian realm.

The other huge controversy that surrounds the LGBT community are disorders. Anti-LGBT protesters may say that homosexuality and being transgender is a mental illness because you’re not associating yourself with your gender. In the 1970’s, the American Psychological Association has removed homosexuality as a mental disorder as research shows that both heterosexuality and homosexuality as a normal aspect of human sexuality as both have been noted in other chronological eras and cultures. Another reason is due why homosexuality is taken out as a mental disorder is because there is no connection between psychopathology and sexual orientation.

The reason why we should be concerned about this issue is because by giving obstacles to LGBT people, its violation of basic human rights and causes negative effects to those who are LGBT. With laws passing that degrade the LGBT community, they're violating The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The United States Bill of Rights, and the idea of unalienable rights.

A negative effect of constant discrimination to lesbian, gay, or bisexual youths is more likely to have more suicidal thoughts than the average bullied youth. They’re also more likely to do poorly at school and do high-risk activities such as drug taking and unprotected sex due to constant stress.

A way to stop prejudice and discrimination against LGBT people is a step so easy yet so hard for some people. For those who are in the LGBT community and wish to reduce it, just accept for who you are and be proud of it. Speak your opinions about the topic and be happy with your life. If you wish to be allies, be supportive with LGBT people. Have personal contact with LGBT people and perceive them as equals and individuals.

Due to recent movements and actions, the LGBT community should be respected as equivalents in the United States. With LGBT people struggling to be treated as equals in the United States due to controversies that surround the topic. We should take action is a plan the United States must take as our country was formed by the bedrock principle of defeating oppression, democracy, and equality. With a good idea of morality and what love is by everyone in the United States, would finally LGBT people be treated as equals.

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