Reputation Impact On Social Life | Teen Ink

Reputation Impact On Social Life

March 5, 2021
By Anonymous


Warren Buffett once said, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." Perhaps you have ruined your reputation, or maybe your reputation is the strongest feature about yourself and you are proud of it. Whatever it is, you must understand that your reputation plays a huge role in your social life and can affect your future opportunities. 

Your reputation strongly affects your social life because it influences who you surround yourself with and who chooses to be around you.  People with positive reputations tend to have more superior friendships. Who your friends are and who aspires to be around you is what makes up your social life. If people don’t view you as a good person, then you might not have good friendships because people want to confine themselves with people who will boost their reputation. Your reputation builds off the choices you make. We make important decisions everyday and one of the most important ones would be how you present yourself to the outside world. If you present yourself poorly, people can choose if they agree with the way you act and that will impact your social life. Presenting yourself and having a strong reputation impacts your social life because it shows who you are and people can decide if they want to associate with you. 

The reputation that you have can affect your educational and professional opportunities. When colleges are choosing who they want to enroll in their school, they are looking for someone who will well represent them.  If you do not have a good reputation, colleges might not want to welcome you to their university because they want what is premier for the school and they do not want to be poorly viewed. When you are applying for a job, it is important to have a favorable reputation so you can be seen as beneficent. There are many good components someone can have when applying for a job but if two people are applying for a job and one has a lot of money and skill but a very substandard reputation and the other has an an astonishing reputation but maybe not so much money and skill, the company is most likely to take the one with the good reputation because they want to project the company. Having a strong reputation is important because it can higher your chances of succeeding in life. 

Some people might say that what your reputation is does not have to be the determining factor of your social life because people can have other skills that boost their abilities. But having that extra feature of a high quality reputation does help the social aspect of your life because someone who is viewed as a good person will seek better and more opportunities whether it be friendships or jobs. 

Your reputation is very crucial because it is the key to your social life and future opportunities. Caring about your reputation should be a top priority because it is going to help you be a successful person and have a good social life. Always make good decisions that will positively affect your reputation. One mistake can cause many changes and challenges to your future. 

The author's comments:

This article is about reputation and how it affects your social life. My goal for this essay is for my readers to take away that it is important to make decisions that will positlivley affect your reputation so you can succeed in the future. 

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