21 years | Teen Ink

21 years

November 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Twenty-one years ago she had a vision. Alice Lakwena thought the Holy Spirit wanted her to overthrow the Ugandan government. The LRA was formed, and for twenty-one years a war has been waged.

Twenty-one years of children fighting, leaving their homes. Striving to stay alive. Children without parents, people without food. Some don’t finish school, most don’t get a chance to ever go. Twenty-one years of torture.

Forced to leave their homes, to live like animals in a cage. Crowded. Violent. Dangerous.

Growing old before their time, many kinds don’t know what childhood is like. For twenty-one years children have fought in wars. Over the course of twenty-one years two million innocent people have been caught in the middle. Twenty-one years of fighting. Twenty-one years of killing. For twenty-one years, northern Uganda has been the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world today. Twenty-one years is long enough.

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