Technology & Addition: A Deadly Combination | Teen Ink

Technology & Addition: A Deadly Combination

December 1, 2024
By rkim BRONZE, Seoul, Other
rkim BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Self-discovery, identity, and growth have always defined teenage life. However, a combination of modern issues has transformed what should be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling stages of life into one marked by stress and complexity. Problems associated with social media, sky-high academic expectations, and the pressure to fit in conspire to strip the joy from adolescence. Perhaps the most alarming challenge, though, is the increasing ease of access to both legal and illegal drugs. This accessibility—spanning prescription medications to illicit substances sold online—has created an environment where many teens fall into addiction, leading to poor decision-making and long-term health issues. Tackling this issue requires an understanding of its roots, effects, and potential solutions.

The prevalence of drug use among teenagers stems from several factors, but one receives scant attention: technology. Social media often portrays substance abuse as innocent and glamorous, normalizing risky behavior through influencers, celebrities, and even peers. Encrypted messaging apps and dark web marketplaces make obtaining substances easier than ever, with some teens able to have illicit drugs delivered directly to their homes. Beyond peer pressure and the desire to fit in, many teens face intense academic pressure, prompting some to turn to stimulants like Adderall to boost performance. Drugs like Xanax, often used to manage stress or anxiety, are easily obtained from friends, family, or online sources.

The consequences of this accessibility are profound, spanning physical, emotional, and social domains. Substance abuse during adolescence can disrupt brain development, resulting in long-term cognitive impairments and heightened vulnerability to addiction. Emotionally, teens often grapple with feelings of isolation, guilt, and depression as they become trapped in cycles of dependency. Socially, the stigma surrounding drug use can lead to withdrawal from friends and family, compounding their struggles.

Addressing this growing problem requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. Parents, teachers, and policymakers must work together to provide support and education in a way that is constructive rather than punitive. Educational programs should avoid scare tactics, instead focusing on the science behind addiction and its consequences, empowering teens to make informed decisions. Strict regulation of online drug marketplaces and social media platforms is also critical to reducing exposure. Additionally, expanding access to mental health resources can provide teens with healthier ways to manage stress and anxiety.

In 2024, the ease with which teenagers can access drugs adds a new layer of complexity to growing up. Understanding the causes and consequences of this issue and taking proactive measures can significantly reduce its harmful impact. With community support and resources, teens can overcome these challenges and thrive on their journey to adulthood.

The author's comments:

I attend school in South Korea, a country where the tension between the North and South still prevails in our daily lives. While I witnessed the personal and academic struggles that teens around me have faced, it has sparked a curiosity about the broader societal issues we face—particularly, North and South Korean reunification. Given the historical and political complexities of this issue, I researched policymaking and the resources that are available in South Korea. I hope that by writing this piece, I can contribute to the discussion of Korea moving forward as a nation and providing support for this generation of students.

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