!!MOM!! | Teen Ink


November 19, 2007
By Anonymous


My mother Tina has always been there for me. She say’s that she is proud of me but I am extremely proud of her. My mother and my father got divorced when I was eight years old. It was a really sad year for me. Then my dad decided that he would get married to a woman by the name of Kimberlie. She was really nice and sweet but after a few years they decided that they were going to move to California and then later they were moving to Hawaii.

Well my mom was having a really hard time supporting my brother and me. She worked at this optical lab and she was working with her ex-boyfriend. She thought that it wasn’t a really good idea to work with him and she has been working there for ten of eleven years now. So she thought that she should move on and I thought that it was the most wonderful decisions that she has ever made because that guy was being a jerk to her, and plus his new girlfriend was working there. So she was finding a job plus going to school for cosmetology school.

Even though she get on my nerves and makes me do a lot of things that I do NOT want to do. I still love her. She is now working at a hair place and having a wonderful time doing so! She is a really shy person so this job is helping her out with that too. This year we are having an awesome time everything is going great. We have been going to a church by the name of First Baptist Church of Platte City. It is so Wonderful and everyone is so nice and polite. We have been going there for about three or four years now. We are so amazed what the Lord has done for us. She has an awesome friend that goes to the church and we hang out with her all the time. We have such a great time hanging out with her!!!

My mother has a wonderful life and my brother and I are so happy about everything that she has done for us, also everything that she has done for others. She is so crazy about the Lord and helping others. Well that is why my mother is the most important person on this world!!!

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on Mar. 11 2021 at 11:20 pm
Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
49 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When things get hard, stop for awhile and look back and see how far you’ve come. Don’t forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone else in this world.”

This gives the moral that women can do anything alone with determination.