Perfection | Teen Ink


January 5, 2012
By efisher27 GOLD, Pittsford, New York
efisher27 GOLD, Pittsford, New York
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Thomas Edison's last words were 'It's very beautiful over there'. I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.”

Seeking, wishing, wanting, hoping.

Dreaming, longing, trying, failing.


Its all we will ever want and everything we will never get.

Perfect. Flawless. Amazing. Loved.

Words to live by.

Or words that kill.

We try and we hope and dream that one day this miraculous transformation will occur. That we will suddenly be freed from the ugly that holds us back and we will live.

But this day never comes. On the road to pretty we lose ourselves. Our morals slip away and float into this fantasy land where you do everything and anything to achieve perfection.

And one day you’ll look back and realize how long you’ve been lost. How you have pushed away your grounded friends and family. How you’ve lost all your true ambition. And you’ll feel alone and worthless and all together worse than before. Instead of reaching the ultimate perfection you’ve hit rock bottom and your the ugliest person you could possibly be.

Luckily, it’s reversible. You can go back to that time when morals were still in place, where friends still mattered and love still existed. But it may never be same.

In all, Perfection doesn’t exist. What does exist are your morals, and ambitions and goals. And when you look at a picture of a “perfect girl” realize that she isn’t perfect at all. No one is. So why bother trying?

The author's comments:
The road to perfection is a road traveled often and sadly ends in a cul-de-sac of failure. This article was written to stop young people from ever starting down this road and save them from the disappointment that comes with it.

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