"Together, we can" | Teen Ink

"Together, we can"

December 28, 2012
By Craig McCray BRONZE, Naples, Florida
Craig McCray BRONZE, Naples, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The music begins. The mass of teenagers commences its trek across the high school courtyard. “Those A’s aren’t gonna make themselves!” the school principal playfully shouts across the cafeteria. The music stops. The last class before the end of the day has begun. Physically, my peers have moved from their lunchtime hangouts to their assigned classroom seats; however, mentally, they are stagnant. Encroached by a world of technological gizmos, the students walk the halls with two iPod earbuds turned up to the highest volume. I call my scholastic acquaintances victims of conformity. The revered Benjamin Franklin describes this unsettling scene as the “immovable” class of humanity.

When the music plays and the time for switching classes arrives, I make it my first priority to move. Of course, I physically move from one class to the other in a similarly relaxed manner as my peers; though, the difference between the manner in which my peers and I change classes has nothing to do with physical movement. The new Justin Bieber hit on the loudspeaker is a signal for me to prepare my mind. After absorbing Dr. Wright’s AP Physics lecture, I move into a literary frame of mind to ready myself for Mr. Hemrick’s poetic discussions. As the school day comes to a conclusion, I proceed to the next phase of my schedule. My daily afternoons consist of business management (for my non-profit, social entrepreneurial organization), extemporaneous speeches (in Model United Nations), and filial duties (tending to my father’s health complications). With a sincere attitude and innovative mind, I put my wholehearted effort toward each activity in which I participate. Throughout my seventeen years of life, I have always been a “mover”; nevertheless, my chief concern is not myself but the others.

Through the establishment of my social entrepreneurial venture (named MAGIC), I have taken a step towards exhorting my peers to reassess the manner in which they change classes. The MAGIC Scholars (students who provide academic assistance) in my organization utilize their enthusiasm for education to galvanize the others to get involved. The MAGIC Regional Directors (students who oversee organizational operations within a specific educational institution) throughout the state of Florida exhibit leadership and guidance that inspires others to engender positive social change. My organization’s motto “Together, we can” delineates my reason for delving within the field of social entrepreneurship. Many individuals around me lack the confidence to stand up and become leaders. Without an extra boost, these individuals will forever be inclined to follow the music and remain “immovable.” As a “mover,” I will not allow my peers to remain mentally stagnant. They are movable and have the capacity to become “movers.” By inspiring others around me to succeed, I have taken a leap towards accomplishing my mission. Why do I have so much concern for the others? The answer is simple. I know, in my heart, that “together, we can.”

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