The Woes of "What If?" | Teen Ink

The Woes of "What If?"

February 11, 2013
By BCS248 GOLD, Calgary, Other
BCS248 GOLD, Calgary, Other
12 articles 2 photos 6 comments

What and if are both two unsubstantial words but when put together they open an unfathomable amount of possibility. ‘What if’ that phrase right there can be both a blessing and a curse. What if I push just a little bit further or try just a little bit harder, what if I take just one more step? ‘What if’ leaves room for you to discover your potential when used in a motivational context. But we must also be wary of the wistful woes ‘what if’ can lead too. What if things were different? What if I could just go back and change that one thing? Those are the ones that get us into trouble. Those are the ‘what ifs’ that don’t land anywhere. The one that time spent dwelling on them will simple be time wasted. Here is one last thought for you what if we screw all ‘what ifs’ and just live. Screw what may have happened and what might happen and just live in the here and now. Because the truth is you can’t control or predict the future, nor can you change the past, and you can either accept that fact or live your whole life fighting it.

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