"Her story" | Teen Ink

"Her story"

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Years ago when she was just a little girl Emberson was always left home alone with her two brothers and cousins. Her mother would always be stuck at work for a jewelry company while her father was in and out of the house with work so you can imagine that Emberson was left home with her siblings a lot. Her childhood was a fun one most of the time she was always following her brothers around to see what fun they was getting into besides they were all just kids at the time. Emerson and her brothers would always do exciting things like; looking for worms in their yard, make home videos while their mother was at work but their father was the camera man, and they would make the house dark so that they could put scary Halloween music on and play hide and seek. But along with the good there is always something bad, for example Emberson’s parents separated while she was about six years old, her second oldest brother didn’t take it so well he was a hand full for their mother.
Embersons brother was a very evil child growing up he had a very short temper whenever he would get mad at anything he would run off into the kitchen and once he did that Emberson and her oldest brother knew what was coming. so they would run up the staircase into their mother's room to lock the door because they both knew that their brother had grabbed a knife, didn’t matter which one just anyone so he could chase them around the house. Their mother would always get a phone call from home saying that he had ran after them with a knife she didn’t know what to do with him because there was always something bad he had done towards his older brother and younger sister. Even though that was pretty dark and bad it was nothing compared to the stuff that would happen to Emberson while nobody was looking. She was raped but back then she didn’t know it she just thought that it was normal and ok but now that she is older she knows the difference.
After a while it all ended and she forgot about the whole thing never to think about it and just focus on the future and present. Fast forward a couple of years and emberson along with her brothers are happy again they were raised by a single parent with a lot of struggles they was forced to overcome but with all of that everything just made their family bond stronger and they all knew first hand how hard life really can be for someone. Embersons mother raised her children to be respecting, loving, honest and most of all to be accepting of anybody who is different and to not judge others. Emberson, her mother and brothers are so close they tell each other everything and anything no matter what and Emberson had the privilege to grow up with a gay older brother and a crazy yet sensitive brother. They're all grown up now making their mother very proud of all of them she couldn’t ask for any other kids to live life with.
What an honor it really is to be raised in an unoriginal family to be so open about everything and not be afraid to say something. Everything that happened in the past has made them all stronger nobodies knows what Emberson went through but it doesn’t hurt her or influenced her life because she has a pretty good life now. Nothing holds them down no matter how bad it is they always make it to the end and being pulled even closer, but I wish that every other mean person in the world was raised by a mother just like mines so that there would be less hatred around and people wouldn't have to suffer. I also wish that all the bullying, raping, killing and everything else would end for good..

The author's comments:
events in here is true the names are just changed

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