Breed-Specific Legislation for Pit Bulls | Teen Ink

Breed-Specific Legislation for Pit Bulls

July 16, 2013
By Lynnae BRONZE, Hollnad, Michigan
Lynnae BRONZE, Hollnad, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" What you give, is what you get."-Unknown

Many states of the U.S. are stuck in between the lines on whether or not to ban the breed of pit bulls. Recently, Nevada has become the 14th state to pass the breed specific legislation (BSL-for short). If the whole state does not acquiesce with the BSL, cities inside the state may take part in action of BSL. Over the past couple years; there have been a total of over 600 cities in the U.S states to accommodate the breed-specific legislation. What exactly does BSL allow for states and cities that pass this? It gives the "OK" for cities around the country to seize and terminate dogs simply because of their appearance to belong in a "dangerous breed." That is just the same as a person killing a person because they look scary. According to the news article of Nevada,” this law will take place on the first of October."
Throughout our nation, people have taken it upon themselves to ban such lovable animals that are commonly misunderstood, and on top of that, poorly judged based upon their appearance. That’s just like a person bullying another person because they didn’t dress as cute or looked as beautiful as another person.
Dogs don’t kill people, people kill people.
Most people who vote for pit bulls to be banned are usually the ones who have no experience what so ever with dogs, fear of being attacked by one, or even already had one bad experience with them. Some people even vote because of a guilty conscious, and here’s why. Pit bulls are one of the most abused, mistreated, neglected breed of dogs here in society. They don’t become the way they are on their own, it’s the ones who have brought them up in this world who molds them to be who they become in the later adult years. It’s like gardening, we need to tend and work with the soil and seed; watering them giving nutrients, and give it care, attention, and fulfill its needs to blossom into something beautiful, marvelous, and magnificent. People who tend to own pit bulls are the ones who want them for all the wrong reasons.
Although some people want them to have a loyal best friend (all dogs are loyal to owners as long as they’re treated right) or a boost of confidence, some take it too far. This dates back way back past the 1800’s. Pit bulls were helpers for farmers and other important people of wealth back in the day. They were eventually bred to participate in an inhumane blood bath sport known as “baiting.” Spectators found it highly entertaining to watch these dogs pitted against larger animals such as bulls and bears. After animal baiting was banned in the early 1800s, people began pitting dogs against each other, and the cruel sport of dog fighting was born.

People started to clip the ears and tail of the pit bulls to achieve the more dominant, violent dog and started to put them into dog fights not only for others entertainment but for the money there was for whoever the winner was. Its intimidating appearance makes them attractive to people who are in search of that macho status symbol. To make matters worse, irresponsible owners interested in presenting a tough image often encourage their pit bulls to behave aggressively. Another wrong reason why pit bulls are aggressive and vicious is because of the environment they’re in, the training they receive, and if they get enough love and affection.
If a pit bulls bit someone, it would far more likely to draw media attention. Many dogs of other breeds do bite people, but unfortunately, these incidents almost always go unreported. They just aren’t exhilarating enough fodder for the televisions and prints. It’s such a shame how media retains on portraying such a warped image of this peaceful, beautiful, loyal and affectionate breed. They enjoyed their once wonderful reputation. Some of the most famous dogs in our American history were even pit bulls.
The only good reason why people who vote for pit bulls to be banned is said to be for the better. Some say banning the breed of pit bulls is for the better simply for the protection for the innocents. With pit bulls, prohibition of them would make the breed under protection of governments. Being banned would give the breed protection from the hatred and ugliness of society. It would protect them from being abused and neglected by an owner.
The question is, where would pit bulls be if we proscribed them? As wretched as it is, they would be executed. Basically being shoved into the corner of extinction if we do ban them (relate back to BSL).
Despite the bad rap pit bulls have on them, a well-bred, well-socialized, and well-trained pit bull is one of the most spectacular, delightful, intelligent, and gentle dogs imaginable. In fact, there was a pit bull named Stubby, a hero during World War One, earning several medals, and Stubby was even honored at the White House. What he did during duty was warn the soldiers of gas attacks, searched and found the men that were wounded in need of help, and helped to listen for oncoming artillery rounds.
This breed of dogs should not be banned (or approved BSL) for all the wrong reasons. No matter what scientists says or research results in, it all leads back up to the owner. In fact, in the early 20th century, pit bulls were actually the number one family dog. Pit bulls are one of the most stable people-friendly dogs in existence. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association tested 122 breeds, and pit bulls placed the 4th highest with a 95% passing rate.
Even though pit bulls were bred to be fighters now, it is all because of human beings. It feels as if they really are trying to blame the victim because of their mistake of breeding for such terrible acts. If there is a person to blame, it should be society and its people. This breed like several other breeds comes to be the way they are based on how they were raised and how they were treated. "Bad owners create dogs that are unpredictable. These dogs are not properly socialized with people, children and other animals. They are not properly trained, and their owned by irresponsible, ignorant people that refuse to take responsibility of the poorly trained animal. Because of them, pit bulls have gone from being the…..all-American breed, prized for their loyalty and intelligence, to the most feared and misunderstood breed ever know.”- Carroll Bou, National Leolger.
People shouldn’t be banning and killing these dogs because of their appearance and the shocking media. We should be punishing the people who are not fit enough to maintain and tend to this extraordinary breed of dogs.
Let us adjust to a different solution, because banning pit bulls and killing them is not the appropriate approach. In this situation, it should be punishment to the people who are so cruel to this breed that make them seen as terrible they are today in the public’s eye. Most of us just turn the other cheek and avoid this abuse. This needs to stop now, and something must be done to save them. Sitting around and pointing fingers isn’t going to do anything, because when you look at it, there will always be three fingers pointing back.

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