Our Smiles | Teen Ink

Our Smiles

August 10, 2013
By nevertheless BRONZE, Sacramento, California
nevertheless BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We stopped looking for monsters under our beds when we realized that they were inside of us.

There is a lot we are uncertain of at this stage of our lives. Sure, we don’t really know what college we’re going to, who will still be there, who will leave, what will change, or what will remain the same.

Right now, I know nobody who can give me a clear answer when I ask them where they will be in five years. Heck, some of us cannot even comprehend where we will be next year.

But, one day in the future, we will figure ourselves out, and find the happiness that we sought. Some day, we will find our passions, make some of our dreams come true, and be who we were all along.

You will be at that concert, that picturesque location, or anywhere that you have found happiness. And you will have an epiphany, in your mind and in your heart. You will realize that, at that point in time, you are happy; exactly as happy as you wanted to be.

It may not be today, perhaps not tomorrow. But, that day will come, for all of us. That’s the beauty of life. As long as we live, we come closer to that day, and to that happiness that seemingly eludes our efforts in the present.

It’ll come. For today, smile. Look into the mirror, smile, take a picture or two. On the day you realize that you are finally happy, smile into another mirror, and take another picture.

And here is what you’ll see in that second picture. An unrestrained smile. Nothing is behind your smile but true happiness and joy. There’s nothing to hide. Your eyes sparkle like they were never dim. Your cheeks rise high; you are free. You don’t have to stop yourself from being exactly who you are.

We will all get there. All you have to do is keep swimmin’ till then.

The author's comments:
A lot of the people around me seem to be going through identity crises. This is what I've sent to each and every one of them.

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