What Would Thoreau Do? | Teen Ink

What Would Thoreau Do?

November 7, 2013
By JosephMills BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
JosephMills BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you aint first, you're last

The issue of human sex trafficking is only getting worse over the past few years. Police forces all across America have been tracking these smuggling groups and they have been working on shutting them down non-stop. Foreign girls from all across the globe have been taken as prisoners and are presently being forced into prostitution. Vietnam is one of the largest “vendors” of girls, and massage places all across America are getting these girls for their client’s pleasure. Law enforcement is working on busting multiple rings of sex trafficking right now, as you read this. Sex trafficking is a terrible thing, and it’s not just because the girls are being underpaid. These girls are being forced into this and they often times are kept locked in a room packed with other girls at night and do not even know what state or city they’re in. Henry David Thoreau would shut this down completely, because he is a very peaceful person. He is a transcendentalist and he does not believe in breaking any so called “just” laws. He would feel that it is morally wrong to abduct a girl and force her to do things that she does not willingly want to do. We should get involved and help spread the word about the human sex trafficking that is taking place because it is treating girls how they do not want to be treated and it is highly illegal. Prostitution itself is illegal, much less human trafficking for the sole purpose of turning girls into prostitutes. Just by the simple act of talking, this human trafficking can be stopped. The men who use these trafficked girls will eventually become too scared to use them anymore which would result in a very steep decrease of business, forcing these people out of business. There are many organizations out there whose sole purpose is to stop human sex trafficking, but the biggest thing you can do is alert law enforcement about anything you hear or come across regarding this industry. The Polaris Project is a very notable organization that preaches for the end of slavery. They have numbers for anyone to report activity to all over their website and also background on why people get involved in the sex trafficking industry.

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