Social Sharing | Teen Ink

Social Sharing

January 17, 2014
By ElijahD.W. SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
ElijahD.W. SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's too short, make the most of it"

Have you ever posted a picture of yourself that may have showed a little too much? Or have ever “tweeted” out your phone number just because you were bored? These are things you might not blink an eye before doing. If you do you’re not alone, each day teens all around the world shared too much. By the end of this article you’ll agree that, teens share too much on the Internet.

An example of teens sharing too much is, posting a revealing selfie. Weather it’s on; instagram, twitter, facebook, or any social media website. Teen expose themselves in many ways and all the time. Others would view this as expressing themselves, but really it’s exposing yourself.
One of the worst things a teen will do on the Internet in posting their phone number. Teens will do this when they're bored in hope someone will text them. What most don't realize is anyone can see their number at anytime until you delete it. Another thing that’s not realized is anyone can take a picture and have your number forever even after you delete the photo. As an excuse people will say that it’s ok and that’s what all kids do in this day in age.

Finally a really big reason is anyone can see what you post and I mean anyone. So later on in life when you need to get a job all your boss needs to do is search your name and a picture of you could come up. The picture could be one of those selfies we talked about before.

Now after reading this you’ll probably agree with you and me might have realized something that you have realized before. Also if you a teen please don’t fall for the tricks above. These have been example of how teens sharing too much on the Internet.

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