Christmas in the Past | Teen Ink

Christmas in the Past

November 7, 2008
By brittrow PLATINUM, Easley, South Carolina
brittrow PLATINUM, Easley, South Carolina
36 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The 21st Century Christmas is not at all like it was 50 years ago. Today, Christmas has lost its true meaning. People spend infinite hours shopping for that one exceptional gift. Giving and receiving gifts have seemed to have lost their sentimental value and Christmas has become one big retailer's celebration.

The traditional Christmas season fifty years ago was more spiritual than commercial. People actually cared about "Good Will" and gave of their time instead of their pocket book. Kindness meant something more and people were not afraid of offending one another. The Christmas season fifty years ago turned the World into a happier place.

It was a tradition to shop for your Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving as a family. The father would head-up the outing with an axe in one hand to chop down the tree, and ties in the other to secure it on the car. The mother made a thermos full of hot coco and bundled up the children to keep them warm. Most of the day was spent singing Christmas carols and hunting for that special tree. At home, families decorated the tree with popcorn garland, home-made ceramic ornaments, and lights.

Today, instead of a family outing the day after Thanksgiving for a tree, we now spend it in lines that go on forever at ungodly hours of the morning just to get the best deal.

In the following days, the family would sit around the fire or Christmas tree and tell and discover the true meaning of Christmas. The bible would be read every night; each night another story closer to the birth of Jesus, to be read and told on Christmas Eve or Christmas night.

Back then, it was more important to put others first and help those in need than it was to find out how much money was spent, who got what gift, and what was for dinner.

Nowadays, we are so caught up in the hustle and bustle. If we were to just slow down for a few minutes and think about why we celebrate Christmas, maybe it would mean a little bit more to us. Don't let the stress of day-to-day life distract you from the magic of the season, and take the time to add some magic and goodwill of your own.

The author's comments:
i did the reasearch myself and found it to be very interesting. my family always has a big christmas get-together the weekend after thanksgiving and in beteewn visits, we have a monthly family newsletter. to help heep track of what's happening. i wrote this for the christmas issue of 2008.

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This article has 1 comment.

Nana said...
on Nov. 12 2008 at 8:58 pm
You are so right Brittanie but it was more than 50 yrs ago. I love you sweetie. Nana