Editorial | Teen Ink


February 24, 2014
By Anonymous

My family doesn’t have any special traditions or family heirlooms. We are pretty modern day influenced. I think that having special family things like that would be nice. I feel like it would make us closer. If my family had things like that we wouldn’t be so private and distant. Also I feel like if we had traditions we would have more in common. Having the traditions would give us something to talk about or base on. Having traditions would not only bring us together but it also makes us unique or different. When I see families that have traditions I feel more interested and engaged in what it is they do. Its also fun to learn about all the different cultures and traditions every family has. Thats a good thing about America, we get to see so many different things due to the fact we are from all over the world. Having heirlooms is something I think families should have too. It helps remember those who have passed whether you knew them or not, I feel that it would make you feel more in touch with my family's past.

For a long time my mother wanted me to play sports. This sparked a conflict because I am really lazy and rather not be active. Sports don’t interest me at all either. When I would play them I would get distracted and bored really easy. I don’t even possess the patience for training or practicing. I was pretty mad every time I’d have to start a new sport. I would always try to fight it but she’d push me to the next thing. I really didn’t like any other sport other than volleyball. When I played, I played good. This was the first sport I didn’t suck at. I think its because I actually tried and was fully engaged in what we were doing. I finally agreed with my mom for once. She was pretty happy I finally stuck to one. I played for a year. I wanted to keep playing but the club I played for shutdown. I felt thankful after this whole experience because I in some way avoided childhood obesity. Thats good enough for me.

Your name plays a big factor in your identity. They make you ? of who you are. People know who you are by what you are called. Names give you individuality. It separates you from everyone else. My parents named me after their two friends who had died. Amber was my mothers friend who had been murdered. Kelly was my dads friend who died for some reason I do not know of. If someone stripped me of my name and gave me a number, I would feel dehumanized. I would feel less than because I wouldn’t have that thing to separate me from everyone else. I couldn’t imagine the feelings I would be flooded with if someone stripped me of my name. My name might have some dark parts but I am not only in remembrance to them but it is who I am, literally.

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