My First Dance Competition | Teen Ink

My First Dance Competition

March 10, 2014
By bellalovu17 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
bellalovu17 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

And the winners are…

We were all waiting for number 94 (The main number that the front desk gave us when we signed-up for the competition and the number that the judges will call during awards). Did the team do it? Is the team the overall winners?

It all started Friday before the competition at South Milwaukee Performing Arts Center. When I walked in with my dance group, we went to the dressing room to get in our costumes get our hair and makeup done (we have to get our hair and makeup done so that we look like a team and that we are all together) . After we were done with hair and makeup we went down to the stage area to watch some of the acts perform. We went to find enough seats for all of the team to fit. Right when we sat down, my friend Mekenna went on the stage to perform her little solo. They said over the loudspeaker, “This is a solo small group number 37 Mekenna performing “Work me down”. I was really happy for Mekenna ,but we needed to make sure that she did not roll her ankle again like during practice. We screamed and yelled to help her not roll her ankle and to wish her good luck. Once McKenna's solo was over we had to help her get into her next costume and got her hair done.

We then went into the hallway to practice our dance. Then we were called to go backstage to get ready to perform. We grabbed our buckets and sponges (The dance was called “Car Wash” and when you wash a car you use a bucket and sponge) to get ready to perform.

Mekenna,Jayden,Annabella,Elizabeth,Maureen and I were all ready to go on the stage,but we were all little nervous. Then on the loudspeaker they said, “This is a small group category this is number 94, Car Wash.“The music went on I counted in my head 5,6,7,8 I counted in my head. I went on the stage to do my little solo. I then counted in my head “ 1,2,3,4,5,6,pose,pose”(just so I stayed with the music). Then we started the rest of our dance and all was going well until Annabella’s bucket went flying, so all she was hanging on to was the handle. I was surprised because we even super glued the handles to the bucket so that way the handles would not come off.Then we got to our favorite part of the dance:we all were going up to do a hitch kick ( It is when you prep down and you kick your other leg out) as we were yelling “ Shark Slayer” (We only said this due to them saying it in the song).Then came ss Emily was there to tell us that -we did a great job and that we danced like nobody was watching us. Then we changed into our black and white jackets and put our special company pants on. The jackets were a special coat that we had to wear to be in the group.

Awards are always so nerveracking, when it came down to the small group category, they started by saying “Number 94 Car Wash from Academy of Dance Arts; High Gold”( High gold was the second best ranking; platinum was the first best ranking). We were all so excited and all the teachers were very happy for us. Then it was time for the overall high scoring team for the small group category. When it came down to the first place overall winner they said from “Brown Deer,WI number 94 from Academy of Dance Arts Car Wash”. The whole group was jumping up and down screaming since we could not believe it. So the whole group got up and went to get the big trophy.

When we got back into the dressing room the team packed up and were still excited from winning in our annual dance competition. We set all of our trophies on the stage where we were going to take the group picture. Once we were done with the group picture we all were going to go home until the next day.We needed to come back and watch the seniors perform. After day two was over we had a total of 21 trophies and about 90 metals from Thunderstruck dance competition in South Milwaukee. That is what happens when you dream big in your life, they come true!

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